AMP staff maintain documentation related to the operation of the Arizona Memory Project.
Key documents include the Collection Development Policy, Content Letter of Acceptance, Partner Letter of Acceptance, Metadata Templates and Guidelines, and Patch Notes.
The Collection Development Policy details the criteria used when evaluating applications to contribute content to the Arizona Memory Project. Use this Policy as a guide when creating an application.
The Content Letter of Acceptance formally approves the content identified in an application. A new Content Letter of Acceptance is generally required for all new content submissions; an exception is when a Partner is adding the same kind of content to a collection that is already on AMP.
The Partner Letter of Acceptance formally establishes a partnership between the State of Arizona Research Library and the contributing institution (Partner). A new Partner Letter of Acceptance is required for all institutions that have not contributed to AMP before.
The metadata templates and guidelines are the two components of AMP's metadata standards.
The templates are Excel spreadsheets where the metadata is entered. The Guidelines are PDF documents that detail how to fill out the templates.
AMP has 12 different metadata templates, each corresponding to an Item Type.
Patch Notes document the changes made to the AMP platform by AMP staff. Patch Notes include three categories:
1. Quality of Life Enhancements- Changes that make AMP easier to use and navigate.
2. Metadata Template Updates- Changes made to a metadata template that enhance discoverability of AMP content.
3. Fixes- Changes that correct errors which negatively affect AMP's user experience.