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Arizona Memory Project Research Guide

A guide for how to use the Arizona Memory Project (AMP) for research and how local institutions can contribute content to AMP.


Contributing content to AMP is a multi-step process that includes workflows for data entry, review, ingest, and promotion.

The time it takes to complete this process depends on a variety of factors such as how many staff members the Partner can assign to the project, the size of the collection, whether the files are already digitized, whether metadata already exists, and whether any copyright research needs to be done.

The shortest time it has taken to complete a collection on AMP was about 2 weeks, the longest over 2 years.

The most time-consuming parts of the process for the Partner are digitizing and entering metadata. The most time-consuming part of the process for AMP staff is reviewing the metadata and the files.

Contribution Process

The process of contributing content to AMP formally begins with an application.

The application includes information about your institution and details about the content, such as what kinds of items they are, how many will be contributed, and the copyright status.

AMP staff can assist with filling out the application.

Link to application:

After AMP staff receive the application, they will review it against the Collection Development Policy. Essentially, AMP staff are checking that the content in the application has a demonstrable connection to Arizona history.

AMP staff may ask clarifying questions about any blank fields in the application.

Link to Collection Development Policy.

After the application review is complete, AMP staff will follow up with letters of acceptance (LOA). These documents detail what each party is responsible for both during the contribution process and as long as the content is hosted on AMP.

The Content Letter of Acceptance formally approves the content identified in an application. A new Content Letter of Acceptance is generally required for all new content submissions. The Content LOA is signed by an authorized individual at the contributing institution and the State of Arizona Research Library Administrator.

The Partner Letter of Acceptance formally establishes a partnership between the State of Arizona Research Library and the contributing institution (Partner). Contributing Institutions who are already Partners do not need to fill out a Partner Letter of Acceptance. The Partner LOA is signed by an authorized individual at the contributing institution, the State of Arizona Research Library Administrator, and the State Librarian.

Because Partners are assumed to have the most knowledge about their own content, Partners are generally responsible for entering metadata and ensuring files are acceptable for ingest.


AMP staff will provide Partners with the metadata templates that correspond to the Item Type(s) identified in the application. If the application indicates Document and Image, for example, AMP staff will provide the two corresponding templates and guidelines.

File Preparation

The Collection Development Policy details which file formats are compatible (formats that AMP can technologically accept) and which are preferable (formats that are optimized for the best performance and user experience).

Common file preparation tasks include converting files to compatible and/or preferable formats, running OCR on PDF documents, and downsampling/compressing files with excessively high sizes.

Partners are also asked to fill out a New Content Onboarding document to provide information about the collection, the contributing institution (if a new Partner) and social media/press release content.

Once the metadata and file preparation is complete, AMP staff will provide a link to OneDrive where Partners can upload the metadata spreadsheets and the files.

AMP staff will download everything from the OneDrive folder.

AMP staff will review the metadata spreadsheets to ensure that the data ingest will be successful.

Common review tasks include confirming that the files match the spreadsheet, checking file sizes, spell checking, and re-formatting as needed (e.g. ensuring fields with dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format).

AMP staff may reach out to the Partner with any questions.

Once AMP staff have completed reviewing the metadata and files, they will run an ingest so that all the data uploads to AMP.

AMP staff will share the collection's link to the Partner for final review. AMP staff can make revisions as needed.

After the new collection is publicly viewable, AMP staff will promote the content in 3 primary ways.

Featured Collections

The new collection will be listed in the Featured Collections section of AMP's home page. There are 5 slots available for Partner collections in the Featured Collections. As new collections are added to AMP, your collection will be shifted one position to the right. Your collection will remain in the Featured Collections until the 5th collection after yours is uploaded to AMP.

Social Media Posts

New collection notifications are posted on the State of Arizona Research Library's social media accounts. The posts can tag any of the Partner's social media handles, and coordinate with any posts the Partner would like to do on their own social media accounts.

The State of Arizona Research Library has the following social media accounts:

Press Releases

AMP staff can submit a request for a Press Release through the Communications team at the Office of the Arizona Secretary of State. If the Partner has a specific time they'd like the Press Release to go out, AMP staff can request that timing, but there is no guarantee the Press Release will go out at the desired time. AMP staff will share the Press Release with the Partner when it does go out.