Filters limit search results to narrow them down. This is helpful when a search returns too many results. In AMP, filters can be applied after a search, of after clicking the Browse button.
Multiple filters can be applied at the same time (e.g. Format and Date), but only one parameter at a time can be applied within each filter (e.g. only one Item Type can be selected at a time within the Format filter).
Click Remove Filter at any time to clear the filter.
The format filter limits the search results to a specific format (Item Type or Information Type).
Starts With
The Starts With filter limits the search results to item titles that start with a specific letter or number.
Has the Following
The Has the Following filter looks for enhanced metadata applied to the item.
Within Data
The Within Data filter limits where the search will look for the keywords you entered.
The Date filter limits the search to a specific date range. Dates must be entered in MM-DD-YYYY format, and both the From and To fields must be entered.