My Collection is where users can find their bookmarked content. All bookmarked items will be added to a list under "All items in my bookmarks"
Under the Organise section, users can organize their bookmarked content into collections.
My Collection is only available for users with Member Accounts.

Create a new collection
- Click Start a New Collection
- Enter a name for the collection
- Click Create
The collection will now be listed under the Organise section.
Add items to a collection
- Select the collection from the dropdown "Select a Collection to add items to:"
- Select all the items you would like to add to that collection
- Click "Add checked items to collection"
Share a collection
- Open a collection under the Organise section and click the green arrow that says "Share this collection."
- You will have the option to share on X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and email.
- To get the link, copy and paste the URL (make sure it begins with ""
Rename a collection
- Open a collection under the Organise section and click the blue quotation mark that says "Rename this collection."
- Enter the new name
- Click Save
Delete items from a collection
- Open a collection under the Organise section
- While hovering over an item tile, click the red x that says "delete this bookmark"