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Arizona Memory Project Research Guide

A guide for how to use the Arizona Memory Project (AMP) for research and how local institutions can contribute content to AMP.

My Collection

My Collection is where users can find their bookmarked content. All bookmarked items will be added to a list under "All items in my bookmarks"

Under the Organise section, users can organize their bookmarked content into collections.

My Collection is only available for users with Member Accounts.

Create a new collection

  1. Click Start a New Collection
  2. Enter a name for the collection
  3. Click Create

The collection will now be listed under the Organise section.

Add items to a collection

  1. Select the collection from the dropdown "Select a Collection to add items to:"
  2. Select all the items you would like to add to that collection
  3. Click "Add checked items to collection"

Share a collection

  1. Open a collection under the Organise section and click the green arrow that says "Share this collection."
  2. You will have the option to share on X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and email.
  3. To get the link, copy and paste the URL (make sure it begins with ""

Rename a collection

  1. Open a collection under the Organise section and click the blue quotation mark that says "Rename this collection."
  2. Enter the new name
  3. Click Save

Delete items from a collection

  1. Open a collection under the Organise section
  2. While hovering over an item tile, click the red x that says "delete this bookmark"