The search page can be reached by clicking Search on the left-side tool bar.
Enter search terms or keywords and click the gold and white search icon to the right of the search bar.
An advanced search can be performed by using any or all of the available filters under the search bar.
The format filter limits the search to a specific Asset Item or Information Item. All formats are selected by default, on the top of the list there is an option to Check All/Uncheck All
This filter is most useful when you know you're looking for a specific item such as a map or city directory.
Within Data
The Within Data filter limits where the search will look for the keywords you entered.
Search Within Fields
The Search Within Fields filter limits the search to a specific field within a specific format (Item Type or Information Type). For example, this filter allows you to search the Author field within the Book Item Type.
Atter selecting a format and a field, click Add to apply the filter to the search. If you do not want to apply the filter, click Cancel.
The Date filter limits the search to a specific date range. Dates must be entered in MM-DD-YYYY format, and both the From and To fields must be entered.
Search For
The Search For filter limits how the search looks for the keywords.