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Arizona Memory Project Research Guide

A guide for how to use the Arizona Memory Project (AMP) for research and how local institutions can contribute content to AMP.

Order By

Order By determines the sort order in which search results are listed.

By default, Order By is set to Relevance.

Relevance: Items are sorted by how relevant the result is to the keywords entered in the search.

Added Most Recently: Items are sorted according to when they were added to AMP. The newest addition is listed first.

Earliest Items (Lowest Item ID): Items are sorted according to when they were added to AMP. The oldest addition is listed first.

Title A-Z: Items are sorted in alphabetical order. Note that numbers and quotation marks take priority over letters and will be listed first.

Title Z-A: Items are sorted in reverse alphabetical order. Note that numbers and quotation marks take priority over letters and will be listed last.