What is the Arizona Memory Project?
The Arizona Memory Project is a free, publicly accessible online platform for local institutions and members of the public to contribute content that helps researchers discover information related to the history, government, and statecraft of Arizona.
Collections are contributed in-house by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, and by contributing institutions and individuals (Partners) throughout the state.
How is the Arizona Memory Project funded?
The Arizona Memory Project is funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
What platform does AMP use?
AMP utilizes Recollect, a product of New Zealand Micrographic Services.
Can I bookmark items?
Yes. If you create a Member Account, you can bookmark content as long as you are logged in. You can also organize bookmarked content into collections.
How do I know if an item is copyrighted or requires permission to re-use?
Every contributing institution on the Arizona Memory Project retains any existing copyright and permissions policies for the use of their content.
Every item has copyright information in the Rights Statement metadata field to to the right of the item. There is also a Custom Copyright Statement more prominently displayed to the left of the item.
If you still need assistance, you can contact the Contributing Institution that provided the item to AMP. You can also send links to the specific items you'd like to use and AMP staff can direct you to the appropriate contact(s).
Who can become a Partner?
Partnership is open to all institutions in Arizona with material that documents the history, culture, and statecraft of Arizona. This includes libraries, museums, archives, schools, historical societies, nonprofits, and private businesses. Individuals with unique materials are also eligible to become a Partner.
How do I become a Partner?
All partnerships start with an application for a new collection, which can be found on Become a Contributor page. This page also includes information on the Collection Development Policy, metadata standards, and an overview of the process to create a new collection.
Can I use the Arizona Memory Project as a digital repository or archive?
No. AMP only provides access to your materials. It is not a repository or an archive, and it does not preserve digital files. Partners are strongly encouraged to utilize their own solution for long term storage and preservation of their files.
Does it cost anything to become a Partner?
It does not cost any money to become a Partner. There is no application fee, no charge to become a Partner, and no charge for digital storage. However, Partner institutions are responsible for the costs associated with completing a collection such as staff and scanning equipment.
Funding is an issue at my institution. Can I receive any financial assistance?
Some grants and funding opportunities may be available. For example, if your institution is a library, you can apply for a Library Services Technology Act (LSTA) grant. Many AMP collections were created using LSTA funding.
How long does it take to create an AMP collection?
This depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the collection, whether the items have already been digitized, and whether any copyright research is required.
The shortest time it has taken to complete a collection on AMP was about 2 weeks, the longest over 2 years.
There is no time limit in which you need to complete a collection, but the application includes a projected timeline to help keep the collection's progress on track.
Does AMP provide training?
Yes, AMP staff can provide training upon request for assistance with metadata entry. AMP staff can also do certain tasks such as running OCR on PDFs if the Partner is unable to do do. AMP staff are available to address any barriers that may prevent a Partner from completing a collection.
What metadata standards does AMP use?
AMP uses customized templates based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. AMP staff provide Metadata Standards and Guidelines that explain how to enter metadata.
Does AMP utilize OAI-PMH?
While AMP has the technical capability to utilize OAI-PMH, it is not currently implemented.
Does the Arizona Memory Project own my material after I submit it?
No. AMP only provides access to content. Submitting materials to AMP is not a donation or transfer of ownership. Partners retain all existing rights and ownership of its material.
Can I have more than one collection on the Arizona Memory Project?
Yes, Partners can have as many collections on AMP as it would like. Note that each collection requires a separate application.
Can I edit or delete my collection after it’s been published?
Yes. Partners can request AMP staff to edit or delete metadata and content.
Can Partners publish collections elsewhere after they’re submitted to the Arizona Memory Project?
Yes. Your content can be exhibited in any other venue beyond AMP. Some AMP Partners feature digital libraries or exhibits on their institution’s website that complement their AMP collection(s).