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Research Library Finding Aids

This LibGuide features finding aids to help patrons, researchers, and library staff navigate various collections.

Subject Vertical Files A - L

Subject Vertical Files for letters A - Ap

Abortion and reproductive care

Accountancy, Board of

Adams Digging


Adjutant General

Administration, Arizona State Department of

Adobe House - Florence

Adobe Mountain Railroad Park - Glendale

Adobe Mountain Rifle Range


African American Multicultural Museum - Scottsdale


Agriculture - Clippings

Agriculture - Articles, Newsletters, Press Releases

Agriculture - Clippings

Agriculture and Horticulture, Arizona Commission of


Agricultural Inspection Stations

Agua Caliente 1

Agua Caliente 2 - Brochures - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Agua Fria Freddie

Agua Fria Conservation Area

Agua Fria National Monument

Agua Fria Watercourse

AHCCCS - Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Ahwatukee (Phoenix)



Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Air Crash - KC135A Jet Tanker & Small Plane Collide - Perryville (March 3, 1982)

Air Force Bases

Air Products Chandler

Air Quality

Air Transportation, Aviation & Airports

Airlines Crash over Grand Canyon - June 30, 1965

Airplane House - Phoenix

Ajo 1 - Clippings

Ajo 2 - Pamphlets, Brochures, Memos to Governor Thomas Campbell

Ak-Chin Indian Community

Ak-Chin Him-Dak Eco Museum - Maricopa

Akimel O’odham (Gila River Indian Community and Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (formerly known as Pima))

Al Qaeda in Arizona

Alamo Dam

Alamo Wildlife Area (including Alamo Lake)

Alexandra (Yavapai County)


Algodones Land Grant

Alhambra Village - Phoenix

Alien Trust Law - Japanese

Alliant Techsystems (ATK) - Mesa



Alson House – Mesa

Alternate Project Delivery Method (APDM)

Ambassador Manor - Phoenix

Amendments to U.S. Constitution by Arizona

America250 - Arizona

America West Arena

American Association of Engineers - Phoenix Chapter

American Flag

American Institute

American Medical College of Homeopathy

American Wars

Amerind Foundation - Dragoon

Amkor Technology - Chandler

Anderson Mesa

Angel Statue - Tucson

Annexation - California Counties

Antelope Canyon

Anthem Veteran's Memorial

Anti-Women's Suffrage

Apache County

Apache Tribes (several folders)

Apache Tribes - Pamphlets, Brochures, Newsletters

Apache Tribes Chiefs

Apache Junction

Apache Junction 2 - Pamphlets, Brochures

Apache Mine and Arizona Apache Mine Company - Salome

Apache Pass - Cochise County

Apache Powder Company - Curtiss

Apache -Sitgreaves National Forest

Apache Trail - Pamphlets, Brochures, Publications

Apache Trail - Clippings

Apacheland Studio - Apache Junction


Appraisal and Assessment Standards, Division of 1

Subject Vertical Files for letters Ar - Az

Aravaipa Canyon

Arbor Day

Arcadia - Phoenix

Archeology - Clippings #1

Archeology - Clippings #2

Archeology - Clippings #3

Archeology - Pamphlets, Brochures & Flyers

Archaeology Southwest – Tucson (formerly Center for Desert Archaeology)

Architecture, Historical - Brochures

Architecture - Modern - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Arcosanti - Mayer & Cosanti - Scottsdale

Area Agency on Aging


Arizola (Cities, Towns & Settlements)

Arizona - California Boundary Commission

Arizona - Exhibit Materials

Arizona - General Description - Clippings

Arizona - General Description - Brochures, pamphlets, & publications

Arizona - History - General

Arizona - Origin of name

"Arizona" - the play

Arizona Statehood (general - 3 files)

Arizona Statehood: Enabling Act

Arizona Statehood: Initiative, Referendum and Recall

Arizona Academy - Phoenix

Arizona Airways

Arizona Authors Association

Arizona Bank Building - Phoenix

Arizona Bicentennial Commission 1

Arizona Bicentennial Commission 2 - Copper Coins

Arizona Biltmore Hotel & Estates - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Arizona Biomedical collaborative Building - Phoenix

Arizona Book Festival

Arizona Book Publishing Association

Arizona Boys Ranch - Phoenix

Arizona Breakfast Club

Arizona Capitol Museum

Arizona Cardinals

Arizona Centennial - 2012

Arizona Centennial - "Arizona Statehood News" (Springerville-Eager Chamber of Commerce) - located in oversize cabinets

Arizona Center - Phoenix

Arizona Central Bank Museum - Chloride

Arizona Children's Colony

Arizona Children's Home

Arizona Children's Hospital

Arizona Citizen's Council

Arizona City (Pinal City)

Arizona Civil Engineers

Arizona Club

Arizona Commerce Authority

Arizona Copper Company Commission - Globe

Arizona Community College Association

Arizona Conservation Alliance

Arizona Constitutional Convention - Research Box - located in oversize cabinets

Arizona Copper Company - Clifton/Morenci

Arizona Council for Senior Citizens

Arizona Court Cases

Arizona Cowboy Hall of Fame & Museum - Payson

Arizona Cultural District

Arizona Democratic Association

Arizona Diamond Jubilee (75th Anniversary)

Arizona Diamond Swindle (1872)

Arizona Diamondbacks

Arizona Election Audit

Arizona Farm Bureau

Arizona Federation of Colored Women's Club

Arizona Federation of Democratic Women's Club

Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs

Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs - Brochures & Pamphlets - 1930s (2 folders)

Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs - Letters - 1930s (2 folders) 

Arizona Falls

Arizona Film Corporation

Arizona Firefighters Emergency Paramedics Memorial (Wesley Bolin Plaza)

Arizona Firsts

Arizona Folklore Preserve -Hereford

Arizona Foundation for Resource Education - Phoenix

Arizona Game Protective Association

Arizona Geographic Alliance (AzGA)

Arizona Geological Survey - Tucson

Arizona Government University - Phoenix

Arizona Grand Resort (Formerly Point South Mountain Resort) - Phoenix

Arizona Hall of Fame Museum

Arizona Health and Tech Park

Arizona Heritage Project - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Arizona Highways Magazine

Arizona Historical Convention

Arizona Historical Foundation - Tempe

Arizona Historical Records Advisory Board (AHRAB)

Arizona Historical Society - Flagstaff (also Pioneer History Museum)

Arizona Historical Society - Phoenix

Arizona Historical Society - Tucson

Arizona Historical Society - Yuma

Arizona Historical Society Museum - Tempe

Arizona Humane Society

Arizona Humanities Council

Arizona in Space

Arizona Inn - Tucson

Arizona Institute for Art Therapy Catalog

Arizona Lottery

Arizona Main Chance

Arizona Military Museum

Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum (formerly Arizona Mineral Museum - Phoenix)

Arizona Mormon Temple - Mesa

Arizona Museum - Phoenix

Arizona Museum of Natural History - Mesa

Arizona Museum of Science & Technology - Phoenix

Arizona Museum for Youth – Mesa

Arizona Native Plant Society

Arizona 9/11 Memorial - Capitol - Wesley Bolin Plaza

Arizona Opera

Arizona Origin of Name

Arizona Peace Officers Memorial - Capitol Mall

Arizona Pioneer's Historical Society

Arizona Planning Association

Arizona Preservation Foundation - Phoenix

Arizona Private School Association

Arizona Public Health Association

Arizona Public Records Law

Arizona Public Service Company

Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA)

Arizona Railway Museum - Chandler

Arizona Rancheros

Arizona Republic, The

Arizona School Choice Trust

Arizona School for the Arts

Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind

Arizona School of Music - Phoenix

Arizona Science Center - Phoenix

Arizona Science Technology Festival

Arizona Semi Centennial

Arizona Silver Haired Legislature

Arizona Songs

Arizona Sonora Desert Museum

Arizona Sonora Region

Arizona State Employee Association

Arizona State Fair Building

Arizona State Federation of Labor

Arizona State Hospital (ASH) - Phoenix

Arizona State Land Commissions

Arizona State Library Associates

Arizona State Museum

Arizona State Parks Association

Arizona State Railroad Museum

Arizona State Society of Washington D.C.

Arizona State University (1)

Arizona State University (2)

Arizona State University Art Museum

Arizona State University Libraries

Arizona State University Scottsdale Innovation Center (AKA Sky Song)

Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication - Phoenix

Arizona State University Veterans Home

Arizona Strip

Arizona Sun Corridor - Phoenix and Tucson

Arizona Super Bowl 1996 Committee

Arizona Supreme Court and Court of Appeals

Arizona Title Building

Arizona Trail

Arizona Trivia

Arizona vs. California

Arizona Veteran's Memorial - Capitol Mall

Arizona Water Resources Committee

Arizona Western College

Arizona Wildlife Federation

Arizona's Children’s Associations

Arizona's Fallen Firefighters 1902-2013

Arizona's Magnificent 7

Arizona's War Dead (WWI - Desert Storm)

Arizona Women's Hall of Fame


Armored Truck Robbery/Poland Brother's

ArmorWorks LLC - Tempe

Army Specialized Training Reserve Program (ASTRP)

Artists of Arizona

Arts, Arizona Commission of the


Ash Creek

Ash Fork

Ashurst, Henry Fountain

Ashurst - Hayden Diversion Dam

Askins Tourist Court (Askins Auto Ct.)

Assumption Greek Orthodox Church - Scottsdale

Assumption Parish - Florence

ATRC (Arizona Transportation Research Center)

Attorney General

Aubrey (City, Towns, Settlements)

Auditor, State

Australian Plant Nursery - Outback Sanctuary - Phoenix

Automobiles- General

Automobiles - Safety & Insurance - Pamphlets

Autonomous System Robotics

Autry Museum of Western Heritage - Los Angeles, California

Avondale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park

Awatobi (Formerly Coal Mine Canyon)

Axia College - Mesa

AzScam (two file folders; four binders)  - binders located in oversize cabinets


Subject Vertical Files for letter B

Babbitt Store

Bagdad: Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Bakersville: Cities, Towns & Settlements

Balke Building - Phoenix

Ballet Arizona

Ballet Folklorico

Ballot Propositions

Banks and Banking

Bank of Arizona - Prescott, Flagstaff, Clarkdale, Cottonwood & Williams

Bank One Center - Phoenix

Banner Baywood Medical Center - Mesa

Banner Gateway Medical Center

Banner Mesa Medical Center (formerly Mesa Lutheran Hospital)

Banner Health

Barb's Bakery - Phoenix

Barry & Peggy Goldwater Library & Archives - Mesa

Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range

Barth House - Phoenix

Bartlett Dam

Bartlett Heard Ranch - Phoenix

Bascom Affair


Baseline Killer

Bashas' Supermarkets

Basic Needs In Arizona - See Also: Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Housing & Domestic Violence

Basic Sciences, Board of Government, State


Battleships & Warships - General

Battleships & Warships - USS Arizona (post WWII)

Battleships & Warships - USS Arizona (pre WWII)

Battleships & Warships - USS Phoenix

Bayless Grocery Store

Bead Museum

Beale Springs - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Beale Wagon Road - Kingman


Beauty culturist examiners, State Board Of Government, State

Bedrock City

Beer & Breweries


Belmont Camp (Washington) - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Benito Juarez Mutualist Society - Phoenix

Benson - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Benson Stage Attempted Robbery - March 15, 1881

Besh Ba Gowah - Globe

Best Fest

Bethune Elementary School - Phoenix

Bible Museum - Goodyear


Big Dry Wash, Battle of

Big Surf

Bighorn Sheep


Bill of Rights Movement - Wesley Bolin Plaza

Biltmore Fashion Park - Phoenix

Biltmore Neighborhood - Phoenix

B105 Institute - Tucson

Biosciences in Arizona

Biosphere 2 - Oracle

Biotech in Arizona

Birch Tree Inn - Flagstaff

Bird Cage Theatre - Tombstone

Birds & Birding

Bisbee 1 - Brochures, Pamphlets, Flyers (1)

Bisbee 2 - Brochures, Pamphlets, Flyers (2)

Bisbee 3 - News Clippings (1)

Bisbee 4 - News Clippings (2)

Bisbee Deportation

Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum

Bismuthville - Cities, Towns, & Settlements


Bison Museum - Scottsdale

Bison Ranch - Overgaard

Bixby Ranch - Globe

Black Canyon City - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Black Canyon Historical Society

Black Culture/People - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Black-footed Ferret

Black Mesa

Blakely Oil (3 files total; 1 file located in oversize) - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Blenman House - Tucson

Blue, Arizona

Blue Cross, Blue Shield Building - Phoenix

Blue Ridge Dam

Bluewater - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Board of Directors of State Institutions

Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving


Bola Ties

Bonds & Bonding

Book Censorship


Border Environment Cooperative Commission

Border Ghost Trail

Border Patrol


Bosque Redondo Memorial - Ft. Sumner, N.M.

Bottom City - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Boulder City, Nevada


Bounty Hunters

Bouquet Ranch - Roosevelt/Globe

Bouse, AZ - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Bowie - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Boyce Thompson Arboretum - Superior

Bracero Program


Bradshaw City - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Bradshaw Mining District

Bradshaw Mountains

Brady's Castle

Brands, Cattle


Brenda - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Brigham City - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Brophy College - Phoenix

Brown/Strong House - Tempe

Bryce (Hubbard) - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Buckeye - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Buckhorn Baths & Wildlife Museum - Mesa

Bud Brown's Barn - Phoenix

Budget - State

Buena Vista Ranches - Tempe

Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge


Buffalo Soldiers

Bull Run - Cave Creek

Bullhead City - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Bumble Bee - Cities, Towns, & Settlements


Buses - Transportation (incl. DASH)

Bushmasters - 158th Infantry #1

Business - General

Business -Organizations & Conferences

Business and Professional Women's Club (BPW)

Businesses - Brochures, Annual Reports, Newsletters

Butterfield Overland Trail - National Monument

Buttes Dam

Subject Vertical Files for letters Ca - Ce

Cababi - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Cabela's - Glendale

Cabeza Prieta Game Refuge


Calabasas - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Callville - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Calumet & Arizona Mining Company - Bisbee

Calvin Coolidge in Arizona

Camelback Hospitals - Phoenix & Scottsdale

Camelback Inn - Scottdale

Camelback Mountain


Cameron - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Bouse

Camp Clark - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Crittenden

Camp Date Creek

Camp Goodwin - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Grant

Camp Joseph - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Little

Camp McPherson - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Mohave

Camp Naco - (Camp Newell)

Camp Navajo - Bellemont

Camp Reno - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Rucker - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Thomas - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Camp Verde

Camp Verde Community Library


CANAMEX Trade Corridor

Cananea - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Cannon Douglas House - Tucson

Canoa Canal Co. - Tucson

Canoa Ranch


Canyon de Chelly National Monument- Clippings

Canyon de Chelly National Monument- Brochures

Canyon Ranch - Tucson

Capital Punishment

Capitol Bancorp

Capitol - Carson City, Nevada

Capitol - Phoenix - Building #1

Capitol - Phoenix - Building #2

Capitol - Phoenix - Building #3

Capitol - Phoenix - Building - Brochures, Pamphlets, Programs, Magazines

Capitol - Phoenix - Building - Murals & Other Paintings - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project 

Capitol - Phoenix - Events

Capitol - Phoenix - Grounds

Capitol - Phoenix - Mall

Capitol - Phoenix - Monuments, Plaques, Paintings


Capitol - Phoenix - Legislative Wings

Capitol - Prescott I

Capitol - Prescott II

Capitol - Tucson

Capitol Flagpole

Capitol Press Room

Capitol School - Phoenix

Capitols - Arizona

Capstone Cathedral - Phoenix

Car Seats

Cards Settle House Election


Carefree & Cave Creek

Casa Grande I - Cities, Towns, & Settlements - Clippings

Casa Grande II - Cities, Towns, & Settlements - Brochures, Pamphlets

Casa Grande Dispatch

Casa Grande National Monument

Casa Grande Valley Historical Society - Casa Grande

Casey Moore's Oyster House - Tempe

Castle Dome Mines Museum

Castle Hot Springs - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Castle on Camelback Mountain - Phoenix

Catalina State Park

Catlin Court Historic District - Glendale

Cattle Industry I

Cattle Industry II

Cattle Rustling

Cave Creek

Cave Creek Dam

Cave Creek Museum

Caves in Arizona

Cave of the Belles

cbd101 - Glendale

Cedar Gold & Silver Mines - Mohave County


Celebrity Theatre - Phoenix

Cement Industry

Centennial Plaza - Peoria

Centennial Way - Phoenix

Center for Creative Photography - University of Arizona

Center for Desert Archaeology - Tucson

Center Street School - Phoenix

Central Arizona College - Coolidge

Central Arizona Water Control Study

Central Arizona Project - Brochures, Pamphlets, & Publications - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Central Arizona Project - Clippings

Central Arizona Project - Tucson - Brochures, Reports, & Memos - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Central Arizona Project – Tom Kuhn

Central Christian Church of the East Valley - Gilbert

Central Library - Phoenix

Central M.E. Church - Phoenix

Century Club - Phoenix

Century House Museum - Yuma


Cerbat - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Ceretta Candy Co.


Subject Vertical Files for letters Ca - Ce

Chaco Canyon National Monument

Chain Gangs

Challenger Space Center - Peoria

Champlin Fighter Museum - Mesa

Chandler - Brochures, Pamphlets, & Reports

Chandler - Clippings

Chandler - Buildings

Chandler Center for the Arts

Chandler City Hall

Chandler - Gilbert Community College

Chandler Heights Recharge Project

Chandler - Hotels

Chandler Municipal Airport

Chandler Museum & Chandler Historical Society

Chandler Police Department

Chandler Public Library

Chandler Ranch

Chandler Regional Hospital

Chandler Schools

Chandler Symphony (formerly San Marcos Symphony)

Chandler Train Depot

Chanen Construction Co., Inc.

Changing Hands Bookstore - Tempe

Chaparral Suites Hotel - Scottsdale

Charles O. Brown House - Tucson

Charleston - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Charleston Dam


Chase Tower

Chateaux on Central - Phoenix

Chaunce's Hi-Way Diner - Flagstaff

Chevelon Dam

Child Hygiene Division, State Board of Health

Child Protective Services of Arizona

Child Welfare, State Board of

Children's Action Alliance


Chinese in Arizona

Chiricahua National Monument

Chiropractic examiners, State Board of


Chloride - Cities, Towns, & Settlements



Christianity - Churches - Brochures, Pamphlets, Programs, & Publications

Christianity - Education

Christmas (Holiday)

Christmas (Town)



Church of the Holy Cross (aka Santa Cruz Church) - Tucson



Churchill Mansion - Phoenix

Cibecue Massacre

Cibola Vista Resort & Spa - Peoria

Cinco de Mayo

Cine Capri - Phoenix

Circles Store - Phoenix

Cities - Growth & Planning



City of Mesa Historic Preservation Office

CityNorth Project - Phoenix

CityScape - Phoenix

Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

Civil Defense

Civil Rights

Civil War in the Southwest

Civilian Conservation Corps

Civilian Conservation Corps - Rodent Control

Civilian Defense Council - State Government - World War II

Clarendon Hotel - Phoenix

Clark House - Florence


Clarkston (Rowood)

Clean Elections Program



Clemenceau Heritage Museum


Clifton Foundlings/ Baby Train Case

Clifton-Morenci Mining District

Clifton-Springerville Forest Highway

Climate in Arizona

Coal Canyon

Coal Mining

Cobre Ridge


Cochise College

Cochise County

Cochise County Courthouse - Bisbee

Cochise County Historical & Archaeological Society - Douglas

Cochise County Officials, 1907-1975

Cochise County Sheriffs

Coconino County

Coconino County Courthouse

Coconino National Forest

Cocopah Indian Tribe

Coles Bashford House - Prescott

Collins College - Tempe

Colorado City (Yuma County) - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Colorado City (Short Creek)

Colorado City

Colorado River (multiple folders)

Colorado River and Glen Canyon Dam article from Maxwell's Talisman,  February 1923 - located in oversize cabinets

Colorado River Brochures, Pamphlets, & Reference Aids

Colorado River - Exploration & Shipping

Colorado River - U.S. Geological Survey of Grand Canyon (1923) - Photographs List

Colorado River Commission

Colorado River Compact

Colorado River Indian Reservation

Colorado River Tribal Council - Meeting Minutes Nov. 1950- Sept. 1951

Colossal Cave

Commerce, Department of

Commercial Hotel - Phoenix

Commonwealth Mine - Pearce

Communism in Arizona - Pamphlets

Communism in Arizona - Pamphlets, Newsletters, & News Clippings

Community Chest of Phoenix

Community Partnership of Southern Arizona - Tucson

Commuter Rail Lines - Transportation



Confederacy in Arizona


Congressional Districts

Connor Hotel - Jerome

Constitution, United States

Constitution Commemoration Committee (U.S.)

Constitutional Convention - Commemoration (Arizona)

Contention City


Contractors, Registrar of

Cook College & Theological School - Tempe

Cool Springs

Cooley Mountain

Cooley Ranch - Indian Pines


Coolidge Dam

Coolidge Public Library

Copper Basin (Pinal County)

Copper City

Copper Mining

Copper Creek - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Copper Queen - Bisbee

Copper Queen Library - Bisbee

Copper Tariff Board - State, Government

Cornelius Livestock Co. - Phoenix

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship - Chandler

Cornville - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Coronado - Phoenix

Coronado Cuarto Centennial Commission

Coronado Expedition

Coronado Mission - 1940

Coronado National Forest


Coronado National Monument

Coronado Trail

Corporation Commission

Corporation Commissioners - State Elected Officials

Corrections, Arizona Dept. of


Cotton Building - Phoenix


Council on Abandoned Military Posts (CAMP)

Council on Organization of Arizona State Government

Counties - General

Counties - Newspaper Series

County Assessors and Treasurers (list of) - 1921-1934

County Officials

Country Clubs


Courtroom Brawl (Prescott) - McAteer v. Kelsey court case (1883)

Covance – Chandler

COVID-19 Pandemic – Arizona

Cowboy Artists of America

Cowboy Poets


Cowlic - Cities, Towns, & Settlements


Crandell Quadruplets

Credit Unions

Creighton School Project - Hot Lunches - Nutrition

Crimes, Youth

Crimes & Criminals 1

Crimes & Criminals 2

Crimes & Criminals - Organized Crime Reports - 1977 #1

Crimes & Criminals - Organized Crime Reports - 1977 #2

Crimes & Criminals - Pleasant Valley War

Crime & Criminals - Swindles and Swindlers

Crittenden - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Crook City

Crook National Forest

Cross Dressing

Crown King - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Crozier - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Crystal Palace Saloon - Tombstone

Cultural Heritage Tourism

Culver Street Synagogue - Phoenix

Customs House - Yuma


Subject Vertical Files for letter D

Daik (see San Lucy, also: Sil Murk)


Dairy Commissioner


Dams - Tonto Dam & Irrigation Number, special issue of the Evening Press 1905 - located in oversize cabinets

Danforth Chapel - ASU

Darrell Duppa Home - Phoenix


Daughters of the American Colonies

Davis Dam

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base - Tucson

Day of the Dead - Dia de los Muertos

Daylight Saving Time

Deaconess Hospital - Phoenix

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Declaration of Independence


Deer Valley

Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve - Phoenix (formerly Deer Valley Rock Art Center)

Defense, Council of - World War I

DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun - Tucson

Del Webb

Del E. Webb Townehouse - Phoenix

Democratic Party

Democratic Presidential Debate - Oct. 2003 - Phoenix

DeMund Mansion - Phoenix

Dental Board, State

DePinedo Flight (Apr. 5-9, 1927)

Depression Era - Arizona

Descanso - Cities, Towns, & Settlements


Desert Bells International

Desert Botanical Gardens - Phoenix

Desert Caballeros Museum - Wickenburg

Desert Shamrock Newspaper

Desert Sleuths Sisters in Crime - Phoenix

Desert Survival - Pamphlet

Desert Sweet Shrimp

Desert Tortoises

Detroit Copper Co. - Morenci

DeVry Institute of Technology

Dewey - Humboldt

Diamond Creek Project/Colorado River

Dillinger Capture - Tucson

Dine College (formerly Navajo Community College)

Dinosaur Caverns

Dinosaur City

Dinosaur Petroglyph


Diocese of Phoenix (Roman Catholics)

Distinguished Service Cross


Diving Lady Sign (Starlife Motel) - Mesa


Dodge Theatre - Phoenix

Dolly Steamboat on Canyon Lake

Domes - Casa Grande

Domestic Arts & Science Building - Phoenix

Domestic Violence in Arizona

Dominion Hotel - Globe

Don Luis - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Dons of Arizona (Dons Club)

Dorris Home (aka Casa de Rosas) - Phoenix

Dos Cabezas


Douglas - Brochures & Pamphlets

Douglas - Informational Flyers & Brochures

Douglas Ranch - Buckeye

Downtown Ocotillo- Chandler

Dracula Clause

Dreamy Draw Mountain

Drive-in Theaters

Driver's License/License Plates

Drug Abuse and Recovery

Drug Trafficking - AZ

Drunk Driving

Duck & Decanter

Dudley House - Prescott

Dudleyville - Cities, Towns, & Settlements



Dunbar School - Phoenix


Duncan Guards of Arizona

Dunkard Colony (Glendale)


Dwain Durham Castle - Vail

Dysart Unified School District

Subject Vertical Files for letter E




Easley's Fun Shop - Phoenix

Eastern Arizona College

Echo Canyon - Phoenix

Economic Conditions - Brochure

Economic Conditions - Clippings

Economic Security, Dept. of


Eden (Curtis)

Education #1

Education - #2

Education - #3

Education - #4

Education - Bilingual

Education, Department of

Education - High School

Education - Higher

Education - Historical Accounts, Tests & Statistics - Typescripts

Education - Officials, State & County - Flyer - 1977

Education - Organizations 1 - Clippings

Education - Organizations 2 - Newsletters, Reports, Brochures, Meeting Minutes - ca. 1960s-1980s

Education - Outdoors - Brochure - 1986

Education - RedforEd

Education - Vocational - Reports & Article - ca. 1970s-1980s

Ehrenberg - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Ehrenburg Bridge

El Mirage

El Pedregal - Scottsdale

El Portal - Sedona

El Portal Restaurant - Phoenix

El Presidio San Agustin del Tucson

El Tovar Hotel - Grand Canyon City

El Tule

Elections - 1960-1976 - Candidates (clippings) A-O #1

Elections - 1960-1976 - Candidates (clippings) A-O #2

Elections - 1960-1976 - Candidates (clippings) P-Z

Elections - 1982

Elections - 1985

Elections - 1986

Elections - 1998

Elections - 2000

Elections - 2019

Elections - 2022

Elections - 2023

Elections - 2024

Elections - 2026

Electric Cars



Elks (Fraternal Order)

Elks Theatre - formerly Patton Grand Opera House & later Dorris Theatre - Phoenix

Elias-Rodriguez House - Tempe

Ellingson Building - Phoenix

Ellis-Shackelford House - Phoenix

Eloy - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Embalming, State Board of

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Emery Park - Tucson (Judge Emery's Co-operative Poultry Colony)

Emily Anderson Family Learning Center at Phoenix Children's Hospital

Eminent Domain

Empire Ranch & Total Wreck Mine

Empire Ranch Foundation - Sonoita

Employment Security Commission - Government, State

Emprise Corporation

Encanto-Palmcroft Historic District - Phoenix

Encanto Park - Phoenix

Enchantment Resort - Sedona

Endangered Species


English as Official State Language

English as National Language

English Kitchen - Jerome

Enterprise Ranch


Environmental Quality, Arizona Department of

Environmental Planning Comm. - See Arizona Environmental Planning Comm.

Environmental Pollution and Pollution Control

Environmental Pollution and Pollution Control - Newspaper Articles - 1969-1970

Episcopal Diocese of Arizona

ERA - Equal Right Amendment

ERA - Bibliographies & Chronologies

ERA - Charlene Kvapil

ERA - clippings, etc.

ERA - Irene Rasmussen

ERA - Shirley Odegaard

ERA - Shirley Whitlock


Ernest A. Love Field - Prescott

Escalante Mine (Iron Door Mine)

Esta's Flower Shop - Chandler

Estate Tax Commissioner

Ethanol Plant - Maricopa

Ethios - Legislative

Evans House - Phoenix

Everest College - Phoenix

Examine, State

Excise Law Tax


Exploration - Spanish

Explorations and Surveys

Ezekielsville - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Subject Vertical Files for letter F

Fab Five

Fair Commission

Fair Trades Act



Falcon Field - Mesa

Family History Center - Mesa

Famous Arizonans

Famous Dave's Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que - Chandler & Peoria

Famous Marriages

Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct


Farm Labor

Farm Security Administration

Farmer - Goodwin House - Tempe

Federal Building - Phoenix

Fiesta Bowl

Fiesta de Mayo (1953)

Fiesta del Sol

Fillmore Mining Company - Mohave County

Finance Dept.


Firebird International Raceway

Firefighter Memorial - Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza

Firemen's Association

FireSky Resort & Spa - Scottsdale

First Baptist Church - Phoenix

First Christian Church - Phoenix

First Congregational Church - Phoenix

First Events

First National Bank - Phoenix (aka Fleming Building)

First Presbyterian Church - Phoenix

First Responders


Five Cs (or Three Cs or Seven Cs)

Five Tribes Treaty of Peace

Flagstaff #1

Flagstaff #2

Flagstaff City - Coconino County Public Library

Flagstaff Lumber Company

Fletcher Library - ASU West - Phoenix

Flood Control



Florence Bridge

Florence Community Healthcare

Florence Crittenton Home - Phoenix

Florence Hotel (Silver King)

Florence Public Library

Flower Girl Program

Flu Epidemic of 1918


Ford Hotel - Phoenix

Forest Dale - Cities, Towns, & Settlement

Forest Dale - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Forests & Forestry

Forever Resorts - Scottsdale

Fort Apache

Fort Aravaipa (Ft. Breckinridge)

Fort Bowie

Fort Canby

Fort Crittenden

Fort Defiance - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Fort Grant

Fort Grant Industrial School

Fort Huachuca

Fort Huachuca Museum

Fort Lowell

Fort Mason

Fort McDowell

Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation

Fort Misery

Fort Mohave

Fort Mohave Indian School

Fort Mojave Indian Tribe

Fort Moroni

Fort Rickerson

Fort Rock

Fort Thomas

Fort Thorn

Fort Tuthill

Fort Verde

Fort Whipple

Fort Woolsey

Fort Yuma

Fort Yuma Indian School

Forts & Camps of Frontier Army

Forty Niners

Fossil Creek

Fossil Creek Power Plant

Foster Home Care

Fountain Hills

Four Corners

Four Corners - Special report by the Durango Herald, April 1964 - located in oversize cabinets

4-H (Camp for Teens)

Four Seasons Resort - Scottsdale

Fox Theatre - Tucson


F.Q. Story - Phoenix

Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture

Franklin Hospital - Phoenix

Fraser Fields Historic District - Mesa


Fred Harvey Company - Grand Canyon

Fredonia - Cities, Towns, & Settlements

Freedom Train

Fremont House - Tucson

Friendly House

Friends of Arizona Archives

Frog Tanks - Cities, Towns, & Settlements


Fruit & Vegetable Standardization Service


Future Farmers of America - Arizona

Subject Vertical Files for letter G

Gadsden Hotel - Douglas

Gadsden Purchase


Game & Fish Commission

Game & Fish, Dept. of

Gaming, Arizona Department of


Ganado, College of


Garden Clubs

Garfield & North Garfield - Phoenix

Garlic Festival - Camp Verde

Gateway Community College - Phoenix

Gault v. Arizona

Gemstones in Arizona, incl. Amethyst

General Crook Trail


George and Dragon English Restaurant & Pub - Phoenix

George W. Bush in Arizona

George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Arts Center - Phoenix


Geronimo #1

Geronimo #2

Ghost Towns

Ghosts & Haunted Houses


Gila Bend

Gila City

Gila County

Gila County Courthouse

Gila County Library

Gila County Sheriffs

Gila Monsters

Gila Project - Yuma

Gila Pueblo

Gila River Arena (Glendale)

Gila River Indian Arts & Crafts Center

Gila River Indian Community

Gila River Valley

Gila Trout

Gila Valley Globe and Northern Railway


Gilbert Historical Museum

Gilbert Historical Society

Gilbert Hospital

Gilbert Police Department

Gillespie Dam


Girls Softball


Glackinville - Cities, Towns & Settlements


Gleeson, Arizona

Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon Dam

Glendale #1

Glendale #2

Glendale Community College

Glendale Fire Department

Glendale Globe

Glendale Historic Preservation Program

Glendale Historical Society

Glendale Police Department

Glendale Public Library

Glendale Restaurants

Glendale Union High School District

Gliders & Soaring

Global Institute of Sustainability - ASU

Globe #1

Globe #2

Globe – Riell’s Copper Mine Strike Story

Go Daddy Group, Inc. - Scottsdale

Golconda Mine


Golden Spike Centennial

Golden Spray City

Goldfield City

Goldfield Mountains



Good Shepherd Convent - Phoenix

Good Shepherd Mission

Good Shepherd School for Girls - Phoenix


Goodyear Baseball Stadium

Goodyear Farms Historic Cemetery - Pioneer Cemetery

Google at ASU - Tempe

Gould Electronics, Inc. - Chandler

Government Costs

Government Management

Government, State

Government, State - Banks, Superintendent of

Government, State - Barbers and Cosmeticians Board

Government, State and Territorial Legislatures Index

Government - State Officials

Governmental Structure

Government, Territorial

Government, U.S. - Civil Rights Commission

Gov. Benjamin B. Moeur House - Tempe

Governors - General

Governor’s Mansion

Grace Court School - Phoenix

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church - Phoenix

Grace Temple Baptist Church - Yuma

Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium (ASU) - Tempe

Graham County 

 Graham County - Safford

Graham County - Government Guide, special edition of the Eastern Arizona Courier Oct 28, 1992 - located in oversize cabinets

Graham County Historical Society Museum - Thatcher

Graham County History, Journal of (1968-1974)

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)

Grand Canyon - National Parks

Grand Canyon #1

Grand Canyon #2

Grand Canyon #3

Grand Canyon Caverns

Grand Canyon Depot

Grand Canyon Railway

Grand Canyon University

Grand Old Cars Museum - Apache Junction

Granite Reef Dam

Granville Johnson Case

Great Bend of the Gila National Monument   

Great Western Trail


Green Fuel Technologies

Green Valley

Green Valley Pecan Co. - Sahuarita

Greene Cattle Co. - Prescott

Greene Cananea Copper Company - Sonora, Mexico

Greenlee County

Greenlee County Courthouse - Clifton



Griffin Ditch Co. - Phoenix

Groom Creek City




Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of


Guest Ranches (See Also: Resorts/Hotels) #1

Guest Ranches (See Also: Resorts/Hotels) #2

Guest Ranches - Brochures/Pamphlets: 1920s-1950s

Gun Control

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - Inquest docs.

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral


Subject Vertical Files for letter H

Hacienda de la Mariposa - Camp Verde

Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch - Tucson

Hacienda Inn - Chandler


Hackett House - Tempe

Hale Centre Theatre - Gilbert

Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting - Phoenix

Hannagan Meadow

Hanny's - Phoenix


Happy Jack

Hardyville Cementry

Harkins Theaters





Harvey Girls

Hashknife Outfit - Aztec Land and Cattle Company

Hassayampa Inn - Prescott

Hassayampa Refugium

Hassayampa River

Hate groups and crimes

Hattie B. Train (Salt River Flood)

Havasupai Falls - Grand Canyon

Havasupai Tribe

Hawley Lake


Hayden Flour Mill - Tempe

Hayden's Ferry - Tempe

Hayden's House - Monti's La Casa Vieja

Health Care

Health & Medicine

Health, State Board of

Heard Building - Phoenix

Heard Museum - North Scottsdale

Heard Museum - Phoenix

Heard Museum West - Surprise

Heard Scout Pueblo




Hellenic School of Phoenix

Helling's Mill - Phoenix


Henry F. Huser Museum - Sierra Vista

Henson Village - Phoenix

Herberger Theater Center - Phoenix


Heritage Foundation of Arizona - Tempe

Heritage Fund

Heritage Square - Phoenix

Hermosa Inn - Paradise Valley



High Lonesome Ranch - Apache County

High-Rise Buildings

Highway Art

Highway Department

Highway Department - Gasoline Tax Returns

Highways & Freeways

Highways #1

Highways #2

Highways #3

Highways #4

Highways - Newspaper clipping of Arizona Dept of Highways Budget Estimates (FY 1963-1964) - located in oversize cabinets




Hiram Bradford Farmer House - Tempe

Hispanics in Arizona

Historian, Arizona State

Historic Districts - Phoenix

Historic Home & Building, supplement to Arizona Silver Belt (1998) - located in oversize cabinets

Historic First Church - Phoenix

Historic Sites


Historical Societies

HoboJoe - Buckeye

Hog Farming




Holocaust Railcar

Holsum Bakery

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church - Phoenix

Holy Trinity Monastery - St. David

Home Rule

Homeland Security, Arizona Dept. of

Homelessness in Arizona

Homeowners Associations

Homesteads and Public Lands

Homolo'vi Ruins State Park - Winslow


Honeymoon Trail

Honeywell - Phoenix

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam 1925-26

Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge

Hopi Code Talking

Hopi Tribe (several folders)

Horned Toads

Horse Mesa Dam

Horseback Riding in Arizona


Horseshoe Dam




Hot-air Ballooning

Hotel Adams - Phoenix - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Hotel Brunswick - Kingman

Hotel Congress - Tucson

Hotel Monroe - Phoenix

Hotel Monte Vista - Flagstaff - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Hotel San Carlos - Phoenix - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Hotel Valley Ho - Scottsdale

Hotel Vendome - Prescott - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Hotel Weatherford - Flagstaff

Hotel Westward Ho - Phoenix - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

Hotels, Resort Hotels, Dude & Guest Ranches - select digitized items are available on the Arizona Memory Project

House Rock Valley



How a Bill Becomes a Law

Hualapai Dam

Hualapai Tribe

Hubbell Trading Post

Huhugam Ki Museum - Scottsdale

"Human Spider" (aka Bill Strother)

Human Trafficking


Hunger in Arizona


Hurley, C.C.

Hurley, P.T.

Hurley, Trudy

Hyatt Regency Phoenix

Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa (incl. Spa Avania)

Hyphen Club

Hyrum Peterson House - Mesa

Subject Vertical Files for letter I

I-10 Freeway Shootings

Idylwilde Park - Phoenix

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church - Phoenix


Immigration - Border Security

Immigration Commission

Immigration - SB 1070

Imperial Dam

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge - Yuma

Incorporation Dates for AZ Cities, Towns & Villages

Indian Affairs - Arizona Commission of

Indian Country - Fraud in (Services) AZ Republic Oct 4-11, 1987

Indian Gaming

Indian Hot Springs

Indian Legends #1

Indian Legends #2

Indian Museum - Parker

Indian Nation/State Legislative Day 2001

Indian Suffrage

Indian Affairs, Bureau of (B.I.A.)

Indigenous People (several folders)

Indigenous People - Art & Jewelry

Indigenous People - Education

Indigenous People - Genealogy

Indigenous People - Legends

Indigenous People - Religion

Indigenous Peoples Day

Industrial Commission

Industrial Conference - Arizona State

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) -- related to Bisbee Deportation




Initiative & Referendum

Initiative & Referendum - Secretary of State

Inn at Jerome, The

InNexus Biotechnology, Inc. - Scottsdale

Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co. - Miami



Intellectual Freedom

Intergroup of Arizona

International Foundation for AntiCancer Drug Discovery

International Sexual Abuse & Domestic Violence Memorial - Phoenix

Iraq War

Irish Cultural Center

Iron Kings Mine - Dewey - Humboldt

Irrigation - National Reclamation Assn.

Irrigation - Salt River Valley

Irving School - Mesa

Islamic Cultural Center - Tempe

Italians in Arizona

Subject Vertical Files for letter J

J. Knox Corbett House - Tucson


Jackson School - Phoenix


James Hotel - Scottsdale

James M. Flake House – Snowflake

January 6th Hearings


Japanese Relocation and Internment

Javelina (Peccary)


Jeep Tours

Jefferson Hotel - Phoenix


Jerome Grand Hotel

Jerome Historical Society

Jerome Public Library

Jewish History - AZ

Jodi Arias Trial

John C. Freemont House - Tucson

John C. Lincoln Hospital - Phoenix

John F. Kennedy in Arizona

John Slaughter Ranch - Douglas

Johnson City


Jokake Inn - Scottsdale

Jokake School - Phoenix

Jordan's Mexican Food - Phoenix

Joseph City

Journalism & Printing

Judges #1

Judges #2

Judicial System in AZ

Juneteenth (Holiday)

Junior Woman's Club of Tempe

Jury Trials

Juvenile Court Center

Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Justice Project

JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort - Tucson

Subject Vertical Files for letter K

Kaibab National Forest

Kartchner Caverns


Katy Pickrell (Ship)



Kearny Code

Keet Seel


King Day Holiday


Kingman Bus-Train Collision (Jan 7, 1944)

Kingman Daily Miner - Special edition “Who” (2002) - located in oversize cabinets

Kingman Explosion - 1973

Kingman Job Corps Center


Kino Institute

Kino Missions

Kirby - City, Towns & Settlements

Kitt Peak National Observatory

KJZZ Arizona Week 2000

Knights Templar


Kofa Game Range & National Wildlife Refuge


Korean War

Koreans in Arizona

Ku Klux Klan

Kuiper Dairy - Chandler


Subject Vertical Files for letters La - Le

La Casa de Luna - Florence

La Casa Serrano Mexican Restaurant - Chandler

La Noira

La Oficina - Mesa

La Osa Ranch - Pinal County

La Paz (County)

La Paz

La Pilita Museum - Tucson

La Posada Hotel - Winslow

La Voz - Phoenix & Tucson


Labor & Capitol #1

Labor & Capitol #2

Laguna Dam

Laird & Dines Building - Tempe

Lain in State - Arizona Capital

Lake Havasu City

Lake Havasu High School

Lake Mary

Lake Mead - Mohave

Lake Pleasant

Lake Powell

Lake Powell - Gateway to Canyon Country, supplement to Lake Powell Chronicle (1990) - located in oversize cabinets

Lakes - General


Lamar Building - Phoenix

Lamson Business College - Phoenix


Land Department

Land Grants

Landmark Restaurant - Mesa


Lantern Inn, The - Phoenix

Latin American Clubs of Arizona

L'Auberge de Sedona

Lava Rive Café -Flagstaff


Law Enforcement

Law in Arizona

Layne City


League of Arizona Cities & Towns - Phoenix

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

Lee's Ferry

Legend City (Amusement Park) - Phoenix - Tempe


Legends Entertainment District

Legislative Basketball Game (1971)

Legislative Briefs

Legislative Council

Legislature (Historical)

Legislative Districts

Legislative Firsts


Legislative Session Dates

Legislative Statistics

Legislators - Misc. #1

Legislators - Misc. #2

Legislators - Ten Best & Worst


Legislature (Historical)

Legislature, State

Legislature, General, State

Legislature, 1st State 1913

Legislature, 3rd State 1918 Special Session

Legislature, 4th State 1920 Special Session

Legislature, 5th State

Legislature, 6th State

Legislature, 7th State

Legislature, 8th State 1927

Legislature, 10th State Special Session

Legislature, 11th State 1933

13th Legislature

13th Legislature - Members

14th Legislature - Regular

14th Legislature

Legislature, 14th State - 1st Special Session

15th Legislature - Regular

Legislature, 15th State 1940 - #1

Legislature, 15th State 1940 - #2

Legislature, 15th State 1940 - #4

Legislature, 15th State 1940 - #5

16th Legislature - Regular

16th Legislature - Special Session

17th Legislature - Regular

17th Legislature

18th Legislature

18th Legislature - 7th Special - Payrolls

19th Legislature

20th Legislature - 1951-1952

Legislature, 21st State

Legislature, 22nd State 1955-1956

Legislature, 34th

Legislature, 35th

Legislature, 37th State

Legislature, 38th State 1987-1989

Legislature, 39th State 1989-1990

Legislature, 40th

Legislature, 42nd

Legislature, 43rd

Legislature, 45th

Legislature, 47th

Legislature, 48th

Legislature, 49th

Legislature, 50th – 2011

Legislature, 55th (2021-2022)

Legislature, 56th (2023-2024)

Legislature, 57th (2025-2026)

Legislature, Territorial #1

Legislature, Territorial #2

Lehi (also Camp Utah)

Leo MGM Lion (Sept. 1927)

Lewis Cannery – Chandler

Subject Vertical Files for letters LG - Lz


Liberty Amendment

Liberty Bell

Liberty Wildlife - Papago Park


Library, Archives, & Public Records - Arizona State

Library, Archives, & Public Records - Arizona State Law & Research Library

Library, Archives, & Public Records - Braille & Talking Book Library

Library, Archives, & Public Records - Carnegie Center - Phoenix

Library, Archives, & Public Records - History & Archives Division

Library, Archives, & Public Records - Library Development Division, formerly Library Extension Division

Library, Archives, & Public Records - Records Management Center, formerly Records Retention Center

Library Legislation

Light Rail - Transportation

Lights Over Phoenix

Lineville - Cities, Towns & Settlements

"Lincoln Massacre at Fort Yuma Ferry in 1850" - Manuscripts

Lincoln Thrift Association

Lindrig's Car Museum - Phoenix

Lions Clubs

Liquor Licenses and Control, Dept. of

Liquor Traffic

Litchfield Naval Academy

Litchfield Park #1

Litchfield Park #2

Little Bighorn, Battle of

Little Colorado

Little Hatch Act


Livestock Sanitary Board

Llama Escape

Lloyd Clark Photography Collection

Loan Commissioners


Logan City

Logan Simpson Design, Inc. - Tempe & Tucson

London Bridge

Lone Pine Dam

Long Meadow Ranch - Prescott

Long Valley

Los Arcos Mall - Scottsdale

Los Morteros Heritage Park - Marana

Lost City - Ajo

Lost Dutchman Goldmine

Lost Mines

Lost Treasures


Lount Brothers Ice Factory


Lowell Observatory

Luhrs Building - Phoenix

Luke Air Force Base




Lyman Dam

Lynchings & Hangings

Lynx Creek

Lyric Opera Theatre – ASU