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This LibGuide features finding aids to help patrons, researchers, and library staff navigate various collections.

Biographical Vertical Files H - K

Biographical Vertical Files for letters H - Han

Haberl, Clara S.

Haab, Patrick 

Hackett, Winston Churchill

Hackney, Aaron H.

Hadley, Mac 

Hadley, Milton S.

Hadsell, Family 

Haeger, John 

Hagel, Roger Stephen

Hagerman, Brian 

Haggard, John P

Haile, Berard 

Haire, Levi Ray

Haislip, Marshall W.

Hakes, C.R. 

Hakes, Collins Rowe

Halacy Jr., Daniel Stephen

Haldiman Jr., Joseph Charles

Hale, Albert Austin

Hale, Dollie Neal

Hale, Hiel 

Hale, Otis 

Hall, Dick Wick

Hall, Ernest Raymond

Hall, George Newton

Hall, Howard J.

Hall, Idabell 

Hall, James Lyman

Hall, James M.

Hall, John H.

Hall, Milford Alonzo

Hall, Samuel Perry

Hall, Sharlot -2

Hall, Sharlot -1

Hallberg, Colleen 

Halleck, Thomas 

Hallman, Hugh 

Hallseth, Odd S.

Ham, Gwyneth 

Hamblin Jr., Jacob 

Hamblin, Sr., George Oscar

Hamill, Joseph 

Hamilton, Arthur Art M.

Hamilton, Darden Cole

Hamilton, Jessie-Belle Moeur

Hamilton, Stephanie Stahl

Hamilton, Patrick 

Hammer, Angela 

Hammon, Frank M.

Hammond, Lafayete 

Hampton, John R.

Han, Anna 

Hance, Eva 

Hance, George W. 

Hance, Margaret 

Hancock, Henry L.

Hancock, James Covington

Hancock, Lillie Bell

Hancock, Richard 

Hancock, William Agustus

Hand, George O.

Hand, Tisdale A.

Hanford, G.W. 

Hanley, Benjamin W.

Hanley, Max 

Hanlon, Hall 

Hanna, Fred L

Hannon, Michael (Mike) Joseph

Hansen, Greg Pop

Hansen, Kevin 

Hanson, Philip Jan Phil

Biographical Vertical Files for letters Har - Hat

Hardenburgh, Charles A.

Harding, Victor H.

Hardt, August Valentine Bill

Hardwicke, John Starke

Hardy, John E.

Hardy, Leslie Cyrus

Hardy, William H.

Hardy, Wooster M.

Harelson, Juanita Law

Harer, Family 

Hargrave, J. P.

Hargrave, Joseph Priestly

Harkins, Dwight Red

Harkness, Sr., William J.

Harless, RIchard Fielding

Harnett, Joel 

Harony, Mary Katherine

Harper, Frank 

Harper, Jesse 

Harper, Nancy 

Harri, Chris 

Harring, Neil Houten

Harris, A. L.

Harris, Charles W.

Harris, Don 

Harris, E. O.

Harris, Jack 

Harris, Jeff 

Harris, John David Chip

Harris, Kenny W.

Harris, Liz 

Harris, Myrtle 

Harris, Virginia June

Harrison, James A.

Harshaw, David Tecumseh

Hart, Charles W.

Hart, Frank 

Hart, Joe 

Hart, John B.

Hart, Pearl 

Hart, Robert Saunders Bob

Hartdegen, James Alan Jim

Harte, Gregory P.

Hartley, Mary 

Hartmann, William K

Hartwell, Dickson J.

Harvey III, Byron Schermerhorn

Harvey, Fred 

Harvey, George C.

Harwood, W. A.

Haskell, Alanzo C.

Haskell, Washinton L.

Hassen, Walt 

Hastings, Lansford W.

Haston, Jack E.

Hatathlie, Theresa 

Hatch, John 

Hatch, Katie Lavora

Hatch, L. H.

Hatch-Miller, Jeff 

Hatch-Miller, Jeffrey Mark Jeffers

Hatfield, C. Donald

Hathaway, Guilford 

Hathaway, James David

Hathaway, Robert Richard

Hathaway, William Harrison

Hathcock, Henry Vernon

Hattich, William H.

Hatz, Daniel 

Biographical Vertical Files for letters Hau - He

Haugh, John Harms

Haughey, Wilfred 

Haught, Edd Row

Haught, Ella 

Haught, S.A. 

Haury, Emil W.

Haver, Ralph 

Hawes, Arrend Lee Fat

Hawes, Larry 

Hawkins, David G.

Hawkins, Jack Harvey

Hawkins, Jno J.

Hawkins, Theodore G.

Hawks, Thomas & Jackie

Hawley, J. E.

Haworth, Helen Boyle

Haws, Henry Harrison

Hayden, Carl (Senator) (2 files)

Hayden, Carl Trumbell

Hayden, Carl  (2 files)

Hayden, Charles Trumbell (2 files)

Hayden, Hayden C.

Hayden, Mittie J.

Hayden, Nan Downing

Hayden, Roy 

Hayden, Sallie Davis

Hayden, Thoman A.

Hayden, Wilford E.

Hayes, Connie C.

Hayes, Ira Hamilton

Hayes, J. M.

Hayes, Jess G.

Hayes, Maggie 

Hayes, T. B.

Hayes, Timothy Dominick Tim

Hayhurst, Patrick 

Haynes, John Crepin

Haynie, Charles David

Hays, Jack D. H.

Hays, Jack David Harrington

Hays, John Upton

Hays, Lyman Henry

Hays, Merle E.

Hays, Priscilla Ann

Hayward, Nellie Abbott

Hayworth, J. D.

Hazelette, John Martin

Hazeltine, John 

Hazeltine, Mary Favour

Hazelton Family,  

Hazelwood, Lee 

Head, Adoniram Judson

Head, Cotesworth Pickney

Head, Samuel Jefferson Sam

Head, William S.

Heald, Phillis Warde

Heald, Weldon F.

Heap, Justin 

Heap, Ralph

Heard, Dwight Bencroft

Heard, Maie Bartlett

Heath, John  (2 files)

Heatwole, Don 

Hechtman Sr., John Franklin

Hedgepeth, L. P.

Hedrick, Elias 

Heflin, Oliver M.

Hegelund, Lovenia Crawford

Heiden, Bruce 

Heidinger, Lisa Schnebely

Heimlich, Henry J.

Heinz, Matthew Matt Gerald

Heitel, Dorthy Ella Taylor

Heller, Louis 

Hellings, Edward & William

Hellon, Mike 

Hellon, Toni 

Hemphill, Joseph 

Henderson, James F.

Henderson Jr., James 

Henderson, Raquel 

Henderson, William Clark

Hendrix, Herman E.

Hendrix, Michael Laurin

Heninger, William K.

Henion, John 

Henning, Lloyd Chamberlain

Henning, W. F.

Henry, Aurther M.

Henry, Fred 

Henry, Joseph B.

Henry, Oscar Lee

Hensen, Margie Greenough

Hensley, James W.

Henson, Denver C.

Herberger, Katherine 

Herberger, Roy 

Herbert, Philemon Thomas

Herbert, Richard John Dick

Hereford, B.H. 

Herman, James Fredric

Hermon, Bev E.

Hernandez, Alma 

Hernandez, Anna 

Hernandez, Consuelo 

Hernandez Jr., Daniel 

Hernandez, Eduardo 

Hernandez, Frank B.

Hernandez, Lydia 

Hernandez, Melody

Hernandez, Stanley 

Hernbrode, Bob 

Herndon, Charles Wilson

Herndon, J.C. 

Herold, Philip Phil Michael

Heron, James Robert

Herr, L.C. 

Herrell, Lewis R.

Herrera, Silbester S.

Herrick, H.C. 

Herriman, Jack 

Herring, Marcos 

Herring, S. 

Herron, Francis N. M.

Herron Jr., James  (2 files)

Herron, Samuel 

Hersey, Roy V.

Hershberger IV, J. Peter Pete

Hershberger III, Joseph Peter

Hershberger, Winifred Freddy Payne

Herstam, Chris Allen

Hess, Barry 

Heuisler, Bill 

Heumann, Rick 

Hewins, Levi Edwin

Heyne, F.W. 

Heywood, Bill 

Biographical Vertical Files for letters Hi - Hol

Hi, Jolly (Hadji Al)

Hibbs, J. Elliot

Hickernell, F. A.

Hickey, Philip J.

Hicks, Charles Payne Judge

Hicks, Grant 

Hicks, John 

Hicks, Taylor T.

Higgins, Arthur Lloyd

Higgins, Clara S.

Higgins, Francis A. Jake

Higgins, Henry Elweyn

Higgins, Norman S.

Higham, Charles F.

Higham, Lindley 

Hight, R. J.

Hightower, R.A. 

Higley, Steven Weaver

Higuera, Jesus R. Chuy

Hildreth, Susan H.

Hill, Corrie 

Hill, Harry Wellington

Hill, Ira A.

Hill, Jefrey John

Hill, Louis Clarence

Hill, Nancy L.

Hill, Nancy 

Hill, R. A.

Hill, Raymond Spencer

Hill Family,  

Hillerman, Tory 

Hilvers, Mary Ann

Hindman, Kyle Wesley

Hink, Heinz Rudolf

Hinman, Bruce 

Hinton, Arthur Elmer

Hinton, Francis J

Hirsch, Walter C.

Hirschy, William 

Hislop, Roy R

Hitchcock, David 

Hlusak, Andrew M

Hoadley, George W.

Hobbs, Katie 

Hochderffer, George Franz

Hodge, Hiram C

Hodge, Jevin

Hodge, Robert 

Hodges, Agnes D

Hodges, Francis M.

Hodges, Thomas 

Hoff, Gustav Anton

Hoffman, Jake

Hoffman, Jean 

Hogan, Dan 

Hogan, Michael 

Hogan, Timothy M

Hogue, John T.

Hogue, Mary E

Hogwood, William J.

Holaday, George M.

Holcomb, Harold William

Holcomb, J.P. 

Holder, Eugene C

Holderness, Stephen W

Holleand, Patrick 

Holley, James Franklin Jim

Holliday, John Henry Doc

Holliday, Martha Ann Mattie

Holliday, William 

Hollister, Dudley L.

Holman, Calvin Morns Cal

Holman, Wilson 

Holmes, Jordan D.

Holmes, Joseph Henry

Holmes Sr., Richard James

Holohan, William A

Holsclaw, Douglas Stanley

Holstead, Richard 

Holt, Buck 

Holt, Joseph B

Holton, Grail 

Holtz, Louis F

Holtzendorff, Lou 

Holub, Joseph Michael

Holveck, Thelma Steiner

Biographical Vertical Files for letters Hom - Hz

Honeycutt, C. P.

Hong, Luoiuo 

Honyumptewa, Stetson 

Hooker, Forrestine Cooper

Hooker, Henry Clay

Hooker, Ralph Charles

Hooper, George F

Hooper, Joseph K.

Hooper, Roger Dwayne

Hooper, William B

Hoopes, Gordon LeRoy

Hoopes, Jonathon 

Hope, Bill 

Hopkins, Anna {"Annie")

Hopkins, Gilbert W.

Hormel, George 

Horn, Irving John

Horn, Tom 

Horne, Charles A. Bert

Horne, Joan 

Horne, Terry 

Horne, Tom 

Horrell, Earl Edwin

Horrell, Louie Porter

Horton, E. J.

Horton, Herschella L.

Horton, L. J.

Horwitch, Elaine 

Hoskins, Walter C.

Hostetter, Veniah Scott

Houck, James Daniel

House, Lloyd Lynn

Householder, Earl Ross

Householder, Vic H

Houser, Harry Clinton

Houseworth, Richard 

Houston, C.L. 

Houston, Elbert Thompson

Hovey, John Henry

Howard, E 

Howard, John 

Howard, Lawrence 

Howard, Oliver Otis

Howard, Thomas Perry

Howard Family,  

Howe, Charles R.

Howe, Marc C

Howell, Benjamin F

Howell, James A.

Howell, John 

Howell, Perry 

Howell, William Thompson

Howland, Ray 

Hoyer, Lyda 

Hoyt, John P

Hoyt, Timothy Cook

Hubbard Sr., Arthur J.

Hubbard, Henry S

Hubbard, J. W.

Hubbard, Keith W.

Hubbard, L. Ron (Lafayette

Hubbard, Phillip 

Hubbell, J.A. 

Hubbell, John Lorenzo

Hubbell, Lorenzo Jr

Hubbs, Carole J.

Hubby, Homer 

Hudson, James Franklin

Hudson, Roy W.

Hudson, William Carroll

Huffer, Harold Leo

Huffman, George F

Huffman, Steve 

Huggett, Ira H. S.

Huggins, Ben 

Huggins, Chuck 

Huggins, Lowell 

Hughes, Annie 

Hughes, Colt I

Hughes, David L

Hughes, Fred G. (2 files)

Hughes, Henry Adam

Hughes, John Chrisman

Hughes, John T.

Hughes, Josephine Brawley

Hughes, Louis C

Hughes, Nicholas 

Hughes, Roger A

Hughes, Samuel 

Hughes, Thomas Alexander

Hughes, Thomas 

Hull, George W.

Hull, Jane Dee

Hull, Paul 

Hulseman, Frederick 

Humetewa Jr., Diane 

Humphrey, G. G.

Humphrey II, Marshall 

Humphrey, Marshall 

Humphreys Sr., John Ray

Hundredmark, John J

Hungerford, Jr., Robert Leon Bob

Hungerford, Sr., Robert Leon

Huning, Henry 

Hunsaker, Julie 

Hunt, George W. P. (3 files)

Hunt, George Wiley Paul

Hunt, Gordon 

Hunt Gov.,  

Hunt, Helen Duette E

Hunt, Isaac 

Hunt Sr., Joe M.

Hunt, John E.

Hunt, John 

Hunt, Joseph Stuart Joe

Hunt, Kenneth 

Hunt, Linda 

Hunt, Ruth Irene

Hunt, Zwing 

Hunter, Sherod 

Hunter, Thomas Thompson

Huntington, Daniel J W

Huntington, Jim 

Huntress, Jack 

Huppenthal, John F.

Hurley, M.E. 

Huso, William Melvin Bill

Huston, Wilber B.

Hutcheson, Etta Mae

Hutchinson, Genevieve 

Hutchinson, W.W. 

Hutto, Robert H. Bob

Hutton, John Joseph

Hutton, Oscar 

Hutton, Thomas D.

Huxtable, Edward J

Hyde, Glen & Bessie

Biographical Vertical Files for letter I

Iago, John J

Iatarola, Joseph 

Ice, Clarence 

Igo, William 

Ijams, E.T. 

Ikenberry, LeRoy 

Imler Sr., Thomas Jessie Tom

Imus, William 

Inderlied, Herman F

Ingalls, Artemis 

Ingalls, Walter S

Ingersoll, Russell 

Ingram, Peter 

Inoshita, Mas 

Insley, Earl F

Ioli, Art 

Irion, Robert Anderson

Irish, Frederick M

Irvin, James M

Irvin, Jim 

Irvin, John L

Irvin, John N

Irvin, Oscar 

Irvine, Bella (White)

Irvine, Edward Lewis

Irvine, Edward 

Irvine, Joseph A.R.

Irving, Ruth 

Irwin, Bernard John Dowling

Irwin, John Nichol

Isaac, William family

Iserman, Marion 

Island, Joe 

Isley, Phillip Andrew

Isom, Robert 

Israel, Newton 

Iverson, Peter 

Ives, Eugene S.

Ivins, A. N.

Ivins, Anthony W

Ivy, James Pleasant

Ivy, Vernettie Oscar

Biographical Vertical Files for letter J - Je

Jack, Lettie 

Jackling, D. 

Jacks, Maston Edwards

Jackson, Beeky 

Jackson, Calvin 

Jackson, Elaine Landy

Jackson, George 

Jackson, Guy L.

Jackson, Henry D.

Jackson Sr., Jack C.

Jackson, R. E.

Jackson, Stephen A Douglass

Jackson, Theressa (Terri)

Jackson Jr., Jack C.

Jacobbs, Lionel M.

Jacobs, Arthur D

Jacobs, Baron Mark

Jacobs, F. C.

Jacobs, John M.

Jacobs, Leon Saul

Jacobs, Marcus 

Jacobson, Bud 

Jacobson, Eino M

Jacobson, Jake 

Jacome Family,  

Jacquin, William Cory

Jaeger, Lewis John Frederick

Jahn, Frederick Maurice Fred

Jakle, John J.

Jakubowski, Gerald 

James, Elizabeth 

James, George Wharton

James, Susan Louise

Jameson, Edward Lester

Jameson, Jenna 

Janson, Harold J

Janson, John 

Januel, Lucretua Emery Robert

Jarman, Beth 

Jarrett, Harry 

Jarrett, Marilyn Black

Jarvis, Heber 

Jarvis, Margaret 

Jarvis, W. H.

Jasper, Norval William

Jay, Leroy 

Jaycox, Henry 

Jayne, Clancy E.

Jeanquartier, Kay Cornelius

Jeffers, Arnold P.

Jefferson, Frank A.

Jeffords, Harry R.

Jeffords, Thomas Jefferson

Jeffs, Rulon T.

Jeffs, Warren 

Jenckes, Joseph F

Jenkins, Henry 

Jenkins, William Calvin

Jenks, Davidson  Dave

Jenks, Henry Bushnell

Jenks, Loren Shaw

Jennings, Charles Edward

Jennings, Emogene Mercer

Jennings Sr., Harry 

Jennings, Irving A

Jennings, John Fisher

Jennings, Leola LeSuer

Jennings, Lorenzo Lewis Renz

Jennings, Marguerite 

Jennings, Marianne 

Jennings, O. W.

Jennings, Renz Dixon

Jennings, Waylon 

Jennings-Roggensack, Colleen 

Jensen, Andrew 

Jermaine, Jennifer 

Jerome, Eugene 

Jewell, Lucien Bonapart

Jewett Jr., Elmer D.

Jewett, Jack Bolton

Biographical Vertical Files for letter Ji - Jz

Jimulla, Vida 

Joe, Julia 

John, Drew 

Johnny, Behind The Deuce

Johns, Anthony Arthur Tony

Johns, William J

Johnson, Alexander D

Johnson, Alfred William

Johnson, Arrastra 

Johnson, Ben S

Johnson, Burdette A

Johnson, Charles Adkins Charlie

Johnson, Charles Granville

Johnson, Charles 

Johnson, Christopher T. Chris

Johnson, D. Strickland

Johnson, David Frederick

Johnson, David Star

Johnson, Ellison Carroll

Johnson, George Albert

Johnson, George Alonzo

Johnson, Girard 

Johnson, Granville W.

Johnson, Harrison W.

Johnson, Harry 

Johnson, J. Mercer

Johnson, J. Richard Dick

Johnson, John Wesley

Johnson, Karen S.

Johnson, Leroy S

Johnson, Leslie Whiting

Johnson, Lindsay 

Johnson, Paul 

Johnson, Radcliffe Conner

Johnson, Ron 

Johnson, Thomas J

Johnson, Veora 

Johnston, Bill L.

Johnstone, C. W

Jones, Albert Marshall

Jones, Annie Campbell

Jones, Benjamin D

Jones, Claude C.

Jones, D. Lee

Jones, D. P.

Jones, Daniel Philemon

Jones, Dustin 

Jones, Eli M

Jones, Everett J.

Jones, Florence Caldwell

Jones, Frank H.

Jones, Guy Lincoln (2 files)

Jones, Isaac Benjamin

Jones, J.C. 

Jones, J.N. 

Jones, Jack 

Jones, Jeremy 

Jones, Jerome Edwin (J.E.)

Jones, John S.

Jones, John W.

Jones, Katheryn Katie

Jones, Lawrence 

Jones, Lucy 

Jones, Melvin W.

Jones, Noel 

Jones, Paul Finley

Jones, R. J.

Jones, Rachel 

Jones, Richmond 

Jones Gov., Robert T.

Jones, Robert Taylor Bob

Jones, Russell Lloyd Russ

Jones, Stan 

Jones, Terral Lee Terry

Jones, Thornton 

Jones, W. Claude

Jones Mrs., W. W.

Jones, Wade 

Jones, Walter Emmett

Jones, William Bill Dennis

Jones, William H.

Jones, William P.

Jones, Wilson Walter

Jones, Wiley E.

Jordan, Becky 

Jordan, Frank Eyand

Jordan Sgt., George 

Jordan, J.C. 

Jordan, Jewell W

Jordan, John C. Jack

Jordan, Lillian K.

Jordan, Lon 

Joy, Samuel Christy Sam

Joyner, William Clyde

Judd, Peggy 

Judd, Winnie Ruth (2 files)

Judisch, Arthur 

Judson Jr., George A.

June, Allen Dale

Junior, Elijah Stout

Junker, John 

Justin, Neal Eric

Biographical Vertical Files for letter K - Ke

Kaiser, Steve 

Kaites, John 

Kajikawa, Bill 

Kajikawa, Margaret 

Kamin, Carol 

Kamins, Ed 

Kamp, William Joseph

Kane, Matthew H.

Kane, Owen Alfred

Karlsen, Lexie 

Karns, Harry John

Kartchner, Dale 

Kartus, Alvin Sidney

Karz, Erwin H.

Katchgonza, Dan 

Kavanagh, John 

Kay, Cordelia Silver

Kay, Peter 

Kean, Thomas D.

Keane, Bil 

Kearny, Stephen W.

Keating, Charles H.

Keating, J.G. 

Kee, Quong Gee

Keefe, Paul Conaty

Keegan, John Charles

Keegan, John 

Keegan, Lisa Graham (2 files)

Keegan Jr., William E.

Keeler, Oliver 

Keen, Andrew Jackson

Kelland, Clarence Budington

Kelland, Roy 

Kelleher, Herb 

Kelley, A R.

Kelley Jr., Francis J. Frank

Kelley, Mary Elizabeth

Kelley, Roy Flewen

Kelly, R. B.

Kelly Jr., Emmett 

Kelly, George H

Kelly, John Melville

Kelly, Mark 

Kelly, William Beatty

Kelly, William Henderson

Kelly, William Needham

Keliner, Ernest F.

Kelso, John Wesley

Kelton, Carlton B.

Kemp, Henry E.

Kempf, Louis R.

Kempton, Emert 

Kendall, George D.

Kendall, George Wilkins

Kennedy, Edward I.

Kennedy, H.C. 

Kennedy, Hiram 

Kennedy, James Lawrence Jimmy

Kennedy, Katherine 

Kennedy, Neels 

Kennedy, Richard Robert

Kennedy, S. B.

Kennedy, Sandra Denise

Kenney, Donald J. Don

Kent, Abigaile Ann Rockwood

Kent, Edward 

Kent, John Knox

Kenworthy, Raymond Walter

Kerby, James H.

Kern, Anthony T.

Kerr, Edward 

Kerr, James Roberts

Kerr, Josephy 

Kerr, Louise Lincoln

Kerr, Sine 

Kessay, Joe

Biographical Vertical Files for letter Ki - Kn

Kibbey, Joseph H.

Kibbey, Joseph Henry

Kibbey, William Bedford

Kidd, Beverly 

Kidd, James 

Kidder, Jefferson 

Kiernan, Edward Powell Eddie

Kilcrease, Andrew Thomas

Kilian, Kenneth 

Killbride, John 

Killgore, Terry 

Killian, Mark Wanslee

Kilpartrick, Richard Franklin

Kim, Leezie 

Kimball, Andrew 

Kimball, David Patrick

Kimball, Frederick Ernest Augustus

Kimball, Josephine 

Kimball, Richard Frederick

Kimball, Robert E

Kimball, Thomas S.

Kimball, Tom 

Kimball, William F.

Kimsey, Morton E.

Kincaid, Herbert Thomas Tam

King, Charles Warren

King, Elmer G.

King, Fannie 

King, George 

King, John C.

King, Joseph 

King, Lew 

King, Ned 

King, Patrick 

King, Tom 

King, William 

Kingman, Lewis 

Kinney, Alfred E.

Kinney, James Henry

Kino Father, Eusebio Francisco

Kippen, George 

Kirkeby, Sheree 

Kirkland, William Hudson

Kirkman, Rick 

Kirkpatrick, Ann L.

Kirkpatrick, J.M. 

Kiser, Fred 

Kishiyama, George 

Kitchel, Daniel Stanley

Kitchel, Denison 

Kitchell, Samuel F

Kitchen, Peter 

Kitei, Lynne D

Kittrie, Orde 

Kiva, Lloyd 

Kiyler, Sherry 

Kiyosaki, Robert 

Klahr, Gary 

Klauer, Robert L. Bob

Klein, Leonard 

Klein, Lori 

Kleindienst, Richard Gordon

Kleinschmidt, Thomas C.

Kleinz, Louella 

Kline, George W.

Kluender, A. E. Al

Knaperek, Laura 

Knapp, J.F. 

Knight, Curtis Leslie

Knight, Dawn 

Knoles Jr., Thomas Merritt Tommy

Knott, Joseph W.

Biographical Vertical Files for letter Ko - Kz

Koch, Ralph Walter

Koenigs, Rolf 

Koffron, Barbara 

Kolb, Emery 

Kolbe, James Thomas Jim

Kolbe, John 

Kolberg, Wallace L.

Kolchaftewa, Guy 

Kollenborn, Thomas J.

Kolodin, Alexander 

Komarnyckyj, Oksana Maria

Konopnicki, William  Bill

Koontz, Giacinta Bradley

Koory Jr., Edward Frederick Fred

Kopec, Matt 

Kopta, Anna Phelps

Kopta, Emry 

Korbut, Olga 

Korrick, Sam 

Kosterlitzky, Emilio 

Kostis, Peter 

Kraft, James Howard

Kramar, Ellery 

Kramer, Cliff 

Kranitz, Gina 

Krebs, Raymond Burton Ray

Krentz, Stuart Franklin

Kret, David B.

Kriegh, James 

Krigbaum, J. C.

Krimminger, Quintin 

Krizanauskas, Anne 

Krolak, Richard Lee

Kromko, John A.

Krook, Carl Gustave

Krucker, Herbert F

Krueger, L.R. 

Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth 

Kuchler, Rudolph 

Kuby, Lauren

Kuhn, Becky 

Kuhn, Bob 

Kuhn, Zina Z Stolov-Stolinska

Kulhazy, Raymond W

Kunasek, Carl J.

Kuntz, Ruth C.

Kunze, Richard E

Kupel, Douglas E

Kupper, Nick

Kurth, Mary 

Kurys, Sophie 

Kutch, William Lee

Kwasman, Adam 

Kyle, Jon 

Kyle, Richard