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Arizona Almanac

The Arizona Almanac provides students, researchers and the public with information and resources about the state of Arizona.

Quick Facts

Quick Facts about Arizona


                    Nickname: The Grand Canyon State  Color image of the Great Seal of the State of Arizona. It includes the year 1912, the state motto Ditat Deus, and drawings of a sunrise rising above mountains, a cotton field, a miner, cattle, and a river.

                    Motto: Ditat Deus (God Enriches)

                    Admission to Union as the 48th state: Feb. 14, 1912

                    Number of Counties: 15

                    Learn about the Arizona State Flag

                    Read about the Great Seal of Arizona 

                    Visit the Governor's Kids Page

                                                                       Visit the Arizona Office of Tourism


Image source: Great Seal of Arizona, Arizona Secretary of State website.