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Arizona Almanac

The Arizona Almanac provides students, researchers and the public with information and resources about the state of Arizona.

Books about Arizona

Books about Arizona

Black and white photo of students and their teacher, Miss Mildred Jones on the steps of the State of Arizona Library, Archives Library Extension Service bookmobile outside of Blackwater Day School         Reading Arizona - a free resource for eBooks and Audiobooks about Arizona for                                  Arizonians

         Southwest Books of the Year - award winning books about Arizona

         Tucson Festival of Books - an annual festival showcasing Arizona authors

        Arizona Memory Project  - many historical books have been digitized and are readily available

         Going Back to Bisbee by Richard Shelton

         These Is My Words by Nancy Turner

         Capirotada: A Nogales Memoir by Alberto Rios

         The Trunk Murderess: Winnie Ruth Judd by Jana Bommersbach

         Hopi Summer: Letters from Ethel to Maud by Carolyn O'Bagy Davis

                                                                   Arizona: 100 Years Grand by Lisa Schnebly Heidinger


Image source: Arizona State Archives Historic Photographs (Arizona Memory Project)