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Arizona Summer Library Programs

The Arizona Reading Program (ARP), sponsored by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, promotes literacy development by providing resources that help librarians implement reading programs.

Summer Statistics

Arizona’s Summer Reading Program 

Summer library programs for all ages enhance lifelong learning and provide meaningful, enjoyable experiences available to everyone in the community. Teens who participate in summer library programs benefit from engaging activities and opportunities which promote the love of reading and can help to counter the summer slide. Reading helps young children gain confidence and develop early language skills. Set your children up for success – visit your local library this summer!

It’s easy to participate. Here’s how:

  • Visit your local public library to sign up the whole family.
  • Read 20 minutes every day.
  • For very young or struggling readers, spread literacy activities throughout the day.
  • Make reading fun!

What you should know:

  • Libraries are more than just books – speakers and authors, movies and music, classes and cultural events.
  • Summer meals, seed libraries, makerspaces and STEM programs are offered at many libraries.
  • The State Library is proud to support public libraries statewide to provide opportunities for summer learning while having fun.