Public school records are maintained by the public school district. Contact the public school district for access first, and the Arizona Department of Education second. The only public school records available at the Archives are as follows:
Charter school records are maintained by the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (ASBCS). The Archives only maintains school records for select charter schools that have closed down. For a listing of these schools visit ASBCS.
Private school records are maintained by the school or company/entity affiliated with the school, or the National Association of Independent Schools.
Please note: Access is limited by FERPA to parent of minor, person in the record, or anyone if the person in the record is deceased.
Click here for Request for School Record Information form (English)
Click here for Request for School Record Information form (Spanish)
Arizona began recording school census records as early as the 1870s. In 1891, Arizona School Law required that, in each school district, a Census Marshall should record annually the names of all district children between the ages of six and eighteen years. Each year, the Census Marshall was to be appointed for this task on May 1st. After appointment, the Census Marshall was to visit each school in the district at least once per quarter, and was required to report findings annually to the County School Superintendent, on or before the first day of July. Records include parent names, children names, type of schooling (public, private, denominational), and nativity.