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Arizona Genealogy Resources

An overview of the physical and digital genealogy resources from the State of Arizona Research Library and the Arizona State Archives.

Birth Records

Birth records are available 75 years after the date of birth. For birth records more than 75 years old, please visit the Arizona Department of Health Services' online database.

Birth records can also be found on Ancestry: Arizona, U.S., County Birth Records, 1881 - 1948. Please note: If you are an Arizona resident, you can access the records from the Arizona State Archives that have been added to Ancestry for free. Click here to enter your zip code and view the collections on Ancestry. All others must have an Ancestry subscription.

The Ancestry collection links to information in the online database, so you don’t need to check both sources. But, as you can see in the example below for Baby Girl Cornwell born July 29, 1914, there are differences. If there is any confusion, you could check both to confirm accuracy.

Left image: Birth certificate found of Arizona Department of Health Services site.

Right image: Birth certificate found on Ancestry.

Important details about Arizona birth records:

  • Registration for births began in 1909 (while Arizona was still a territory). Records prior to 1909 are rare and have limited information.
  • Available date ranges for birth records vary by county.
  • Delayed birth certificates are listed by year of filing, not the birth year.
  • If you need a certified birth certificate for someone born in the last 75 years, visit the Arizona Department of Health Services' website for information who can obtain a birth certificate and how to apply.

Death Records

Death records are available 50 years after the date of death. For death records more than 50 years old, please visit the Arizona Department of Health Services' online database.

Death records can also be found on Ancestry: Arizona, County Coroner and Death Records, 1881 - 1971. Please note: If you are an Arizona resident, you can access the records from the Arizona State Archives that have been added to Ancestry for free. Click here to enter your zip code and view the collections on Ancestry. All others must have an Ancestry subscription.

Please note that the death records included on Ancestry vary by county. For example, the death certificate for Frances Munds (see image below) is available in the Arizona Department of Health Services database, but the Ancestry collection does not include death records from Yavapai County in 1948.

Image Source

Important details about Arizona death records: